Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 1 - Blogging

Here I am. Ready to blog. I feel a little self-conscious because I haven't prepared my content. I hope it's not too boring.

I'm the System Consultant for Southeast Kansas Library System, and I have spent the first part of this week trying to get my people registered and started up on 23things. A bunch of them have already created blogs, so my next step, after getting started myself, is to find their blogs and comment. This could be fun. I hope we can maintain the enthusiasm through all of the 22 other things.


  1. Yeah you!! glad to see your blog is up finally and you have joined us.

  2. Hi Kim,
    Hope things are going well in Iola, glad to be part of the 23 Things project.


  3. come check out my blog too! and don't forget to subscribe! I'm sure we will all learn new stuff as we progress!

  4. You know, if 23 Things Kansas gets too stressful, I hear that quilting is a good way to relax. :-)

  5. Hey Kim - Like the pink - it suits you. Keep up the good work and get back to your blog. I want to hear more about what is going on with you, SEK and your work with 23 Things! Let me know if you have questions and thanks for joining us on this adventure.
